Tuesday, March 3, 2009

16. Andrew Cuomo


Gov. Paterson's support among Democratic voters has fallen through the floor in the wake of the Caroline Kennedy Senate fiasco, with a stunning new poll showing Attorney General Andrew Cuomo trouncing him by more than 30 points in a primary race. As
New York Post - 08:23:31 AM, Tuesday February 17, 2009 EST
ALBANY - Gov. Paterson sealed his own fate yesterday as he insulted state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo with his bizarre selection of little-known upstate Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand as Hillary Rodham Clinton's successor. The only question being asked in
New York Post - 03:43:26 AM, Saturday January 24, 2009 EST

State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo yesterday exposed a massive health-insurance scandal in which up to 100 million people paid hugely inflated charges for medical care. Cuomo said his yearlong investigation found that the giant UnitedHealth Group's
New York Post - 02:58:46 AM, Wednesday January 14, 2009 EST
To be a US senator, or not to be: that is the question for Andrew Cuomo. The 51-year-old prince of the Cuomo political dynasty started by his father, Mario, can't decide if he's ready to embrace fate and vie for Hillary Clinton's Senate seat,
New York Post - 03:47:35 AM, Sunday January 04, 2009 EST

An audacious proposal by Attorney General Andrew Cuomo - if adopted by the Legislature - could do a great deal to relieve the crippling property-tax burdens of many New Yorkers. Cuomo's plan would spur consolidation of the 10,521 local governments in
New York Post - 02:53:18 AM, Monday December 22, 2008 EST
ALBANY - New Yorkers believe Gov. Paterson will select Caroline Kennedy to fill Hillary Rodham Clinton's Senate seat, according to a poll released yesterday - even though they favor state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo. The statewide Siena poll found
New York Post - 03:02:51 AM, Thursday December 18, 2008 EST

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