Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Government not part of Doğan tax issue, says Erdoğan

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Saturday said news reports suggesting that a hefty fine imposed on Doğan Yayın Media last week for alleged tax evasion was triggered by a government initiative were untrue, saying he had not been involved in the Finance Ministry's audit decisions at any point and adding that he saw the allegations as an attempt of the Doğan Group to defend itself.
Last week Doğan Yayın Holding, a conglomerate of publishing companies under the umbrella of Doğan Holding, was fined TL 826.2 for alleged irregularities in its tax returns by the Halkalı Tax Office. Doğan Yayın officials announced that they would challenge the allegations in court.
Some newspapers, particularly those affiliated with the Doğan Media Group, published headline news pieces alleging that the fine was levied against Doğan through the efforts of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) administration in an attempt to curtail freedom of the press and free speech.
Speaking to journalists on Saturday while on a plane to Diyarbakır to take part in his party's municipal elections campaign, the prime minister said: "The government cannot tell the Finance Ministry to open an investigation or review certain files. The Finance Ministry conducts such audits periodically with its tax inspectors and controllers. Irregularities were detected when the Doğan group underwent such an inspection. This has happened before. They asked to negotiate and paid a fine at the end of that process. This is a standard Finance Ministry procedure and affects all media groups [equally]. Similarly, there are standard procedures of the Capital Markets Board [SPK]. This is an independent institution. Am I directing it, too?"

A response from tax inspectors
The Ankara-based Tax Inspectors Association (VDD) on Saturday warned that news reports suggesting that the fine for alleged tax evasion was ordered by the government would be a violation of principles of impartiality in the judicial process.
In response to the allegations, the VDD on Saturday released a statement, although the text avoided any direct reference to Doğan group newspapers. The VDD, in a statement referring to reports suggesting that the prime minister was behind the fine imposed on Doğan, said, "These reports, written by reporters after insufficient research and analysis, have deeply hurt our colleagues."
The VDD statement said alleging the prime minister's involvement in the Doğan affair amounted to execution without trial of the tax auditors who inspected the Doğan accounts. The text noted legislation in place and very tight inspections on the part of inspectors, adding that inspectors engaged in unethical conduct are never tolerated in the profession.
"Accusatory news pieces that belittle tax inspectors' duty and tax inspectors can also be described as 'execution without trial.' No one can be declared guilty without a confirmed court ruling. These baseless smears are hurtful and untrue and are a violation of the principle of presumption of innocence. They constitute the crimes of attempting to influence the independent judiciary, attempting to influence persons carrying out judicial duties and falsely accusing and smearing," the statement said.
"…We expect an end to be put to the baseless and false publications associating tax inspectors with [attempts to prevent] press freedom and criticism, and for the public to be correctly informed. Our association will pursue all developments related to publications that are unjust and incorrectly inform the public and take any actions necessary [to stop this]," the statement added.

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